Section 498A- Activities that subject a woman to cruelty whether committed by the husband or woman’s in-laws or any other relative of husband are punishable under this act with an imprisonment of a tenure not exceeding 3 years along with a financial penalty.
In our society, the dowry practice has become an epidemic that has plagued communities of several religions. It is kind of an informal barter system wherein the bride’s family provides financial gifts to other assets demanded by the groom’s family in consideration for their son. To all those Groom’s family If you have made your son capable enough to earn his bread, butter and shoulder other financial responsibilities including of his spouse by providing him a good quality of education then why are you demanding the additional things, what for at the time of marriage, unfortunately nobody understands this.
The following persons can file a complaint in court
If you are facing Dowry issues or continuous harassment by the in-laws or Husband then without delay give us a call for all possible legal assistance and guidance. Our lawyers are experts in handling your case and fighting it out in the court of law for a suitable settlement.
Book an appointment now or call us to discuss your case.